Current Samples:

Source Material
Buy a book, write an original, or take advantage of two other choices---one is free.

Finding Money
How to raise money, appeal to investors and deal with them afterward.

Storyboard or Sleep?
Prepare or repair? Arrive on set with shot lists, boards and diagrams or a nimble mind and a rested body?

Cut Budgets, Schedules
Keep producers on your side by saving time and money. A few do and don't suggestions.

The Myth of Power
Dictator or Negotiator? The real way directors get what they want on set. Pick your fights, save your chips.

Aside #1
JK meets GL and FFC and Bay Area film is born in a tiny beach town, July 4, 1968


John Korty filming Autobiography of Miss Jane Pittman with Cicley Tyson
John Korty filming Autobiography of Miss Jane Pittman with Cicley Tyson Autobiography of Miss Jane Pittman

20 Insider Tips

DVD Volume 1 Coming Soon

Practical lessons from personal experience over thirty years. Day-to-day issues in pre-production, during the shoot and in post-production. Casting, scouting, art direction, rehearsals, actors, non-actors, kids, blocking, schedule, crew, budget, producers, agents, power plays, previews, publicity, personal life—if any.